• FDA Approves Adjuvant Imatinib

    On December 19, 2008 the US FDA announced approval of the use of imatinib (Gleevec) as adjuvant treatment (prescribed after complete surgical resection) to prevent recurrence of GIST. Below is a link to the brief announcement. More details should emerge soon. http://www.fda.gov:80/bbs/topics/NEWS/2008/NEW01931.html

  • Attending CTOS conference: a whirlwind experience!

    Attending CTOS conference: a whirlwind experience! by Barbara Dore I had the chance to represent GSI at CTOS (Connective Tissue Oncology Society), which was held in London November 13 -15th in the Landmark Hotel. The Landmark Hotel is rather a grand red-brick Victorian Railway hotel, built at the terminus of

  • CTOS and SARC Meet in London

    Barbara Dore’ (a member of GSI’s board and our science committee) attended the CTOS meeting in London November 13-15 on behalf of GIST Support International. This news story highlights some of the new science findings Barbara gleaned at CTOS, which is the world’s premier gathering of sarcoma experts. You can

  • Duensing’s New GIST Findings

    Anette Duensing, MD is a research pathologist who is a highly valued member of the Science Committee of GIST Support International. A native of Germany, Dr. Duensing did a post-doc at the Dana-Farber lab of Jonathan Fletcher, MD before joining the faculty at the University of Pittsburgh. New Findings on

  • Adjuvant Gleevec Trial News

    The Z9001 trial of adjuvant Gleevec (imatinib) administered for one year after surgery has been unblinded early after an interim analysis showed a striking difference in recurrence rates for subjects who received Gleevec (97% recurrence-free) versus those who received placebo (83% recurrence-free). Patients currently taking placebo will receive one year

  • Z9000 Adjuvant Imatinib Trial

    Z9000 Trial of Adjuvant Imatinib: Interim Results At the ASCO GI Cancers Symposium in January 2008 Ronald DeMatteo, M.D. presented early results for the Z9000 trial of adjuvant Gleevec for high-risk tumors. Click the presentation title below to link to the abstract. After linking to the abstract on the ASCO

  • Houston Get-Together Featured Dr. Trent

    We gathered from far and wide to enjoy the first Houston meeting on July 26th! by Barbara Doré We were due to meet up for a pre-meeting lunch at the California Pizza Kitchen, only to find that the keener members of the group lost no time in high tailing it

  • New Italian GIST group

    A support group for Italian GIST patients has been formed, as announced October 18 at a meeting of oncologists in Italy. L’Associazione Italiana GIST (A.I.G.) has a website at this link: http://www.gistonline.it/ Anna Costato, director of the new group, is also a member of GIST Support International. She stated "I

  • Treating GIST

    Treating GIST: Which Target, What Agent, How Much, When To Treat? By Bob Spiegel The “New Challenges in Treating GIST” satellite meeting was held in conjunction with the 2008 ASCO Gastrointestinal Cancers Symposium in Orlando in late January. The ASCO conference and numerous satellite meetings were held in The Orlando

  • Three GSI Reps Attend ASCO 2008

    Carolyn Grobe, Marina Symcox, and Sherri Janousky (pictured left to right below) registered at the huge American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) convention held in Chicago May 30- June 3, 2008. Intrepidly hiking the halls of the giant convention center as well as satellite meetings in nearby hotels, the trio