• 2011 GIST Summit: Terrific!

    by Tony Doré   Diverse group, evolving summit The GIST Summits have come a long way since the idea germinated at an informal gathering in a Houston apartment block, back in 2008.  The 2011 summit, held at MD Anderson Cancer Center, attracted a large and diverse group of people from 4

  • Dana-Farber Brigham & Women’s GIST Celebration

    Dana-Farber Hosts Celebration for GIST Patients and Families By Terry Jennings “Uplifting” is the word my husband, Lou, used to describe the Dana-Farber celebration: Living with GIST, 10 Years of Molecular Targeted Therapy.  It was truly uplifting to hear the physicians relate stories of the battle with our rare cancer;

  • GIST News from 2011 ASCO

    Becky Bensenhaver and Nancy Berezin, both members of GIST Support International’s Science Committee, attended the 2011 meeting of ASCO (American Society of Clinical Oncology) in Chicago in early June.  Becky was fortunate to receive an ASCO scholarship to pay expenses, thus enabling our team to cover the huge convention to

  • Italians Hold 4th GIST Meeting

    In Italy: 4th national meeting of  A.I.G. (Associazione Italiana GIST) On February 26, 2011 A.I.G. (Associazione Italiana GIST) held its 4th national meeting for GIST patients at Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori in Milan.  The focus points of the meeting were:• What are gastrointestinal stromal tumors? And• How to treat GIST? Anna

  • Living With GIST: 10 Years of Molecularly Targeted Therapy

    On April 9 GIST patients and familiy members flocked to Dana-Farber for a day-long event organized by George Demetri, MD and Suzanne George, MD to celebrate the 10-year anniversary of the first drug for treatment of GIST, imatinib (Gleevec).  You can see the agenda HERE  and LINK HERE to WATCH VIDEOS Below are

  • ESMO GIST Guidelines

    The European Society of Medical Oncology (ESMO) has updated its GIST practice guidelines.  You can access the new document for free.  Click on the title below. Gastrointestinal stromal tumours: ESMO Clinical Practice Guidelines for diagnosis, treatment, and follow-upP.G. Casali and J.-Y. Blay on behalf of the ESMO/CONTICANET/EUUROBONET Consensus Panel of

  • ASCO 2010 News on GIST

    Becky and Carolyn Report from ASCO! The intrepid pair Carolyn Grobe and Becky Bensenhaver went to Chicago for the 2010 ASCO meeting June 4-8, serving as news scouts for GIST patients to report new developments in GIST research and treatment. Becky received an ASCO scholarship to attend as a patient

  • NCCN GIST Task Force Update

    The NCCN GIST Task Force has published a revision to its recommendations entitled: NCCN Task Force Report: Update on the Management of Patients with Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors. You may download the pdf of this document at this link: http://www.jnccn.org/content/8/Suppl_2/S-1.full.pdf+html

  • Italian GIST Meeting Attracts a Crowd

    by Gabriella Tedone The 3rd National Italian Meeting of A.I.G. (Associazione Italiana GIST) took place at Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori (INT), in Milan, Italy, on Saturday, February 27, 2010. For the 99 patients and caregivers attending the meeting it was a great opportunity of hearing lectures by the main

  • St. Louis/Midwest GIST Gathering

    MIDWEST GISTers TARGET ST. LOUIS Thanks to a lot of hard work by Katie Campbell and Ally Klein (both GIST survivors), 48 GIST patients and family / friends gathered in St. Louis April 26, 2008.  Katie remarked "We had people come from Indiana, Wisconsin, Kansas, Illinois and of course Missouri." This St. Louis