GISTers meet in NYC

GISTers Meet in New York CityMichael Ting organized an informal lunch meeting of GISTers in the New York City area on Augist 11, 2007.  Michael said "We had a nice showing for the NYC GISTers meeting this past Saturday.  Thanks to everyone for taking the time to participate.  In addition to getting to know one another and hearing about everyone's GIST journeys, we had some lively discussions on current topics related to GIST, including mutational testing, new drug trials, as well as the efficacy of Gleevac at different dosages."  "Although the discussion topics were on the serious side, the mood was very light-hearted and it was a good few hours.  We hope to do this again in the near-future."Pictured in the photo below are the attendees: 

Standing, left to right: Mark Landesman, Pamela Fedowich and her husband Hitesh, Michael Ting, Myron Gelberg, Anita Scherzer, Ora Gelberg, Norman Scherzer. Seated, left to right: Julie and her sister Anita, Craig Seebach. Not pictured: Ken Schou

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