• Houston Get-Together Featured Dr. Trent

    We gathered from far and wide to enjoy the first Houston meeting on July 26th! by Barbara Doré We were due to meet up for a pre-meeting lunch at the California Pizza Kitchen, only to find that the keener members of the group lost no time in high tailing it all the way from San […]

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  • Treating GIST

    Treating GIST: Which Target, What Agent, How Much, When To Treat? By Bob Spiegel The “New Challenges in Treating GIST” satellite meeting was held in conjunction with the 2008 ASCO Gastrointestinal Cancers Symposium in Orlando in late January. The ASCO conference and numerous satellite meetings were held in The Orlando World Center Marriott Resort & […]

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  • Three GSI Reps Attend ASCO 2008

    Carolyn Grobe, Marina Symcox, and Sherri Janousky (pictured left to right below) registered at the huge American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) convention held in Chicago May 30- June 3, 2008. Intrepidly hiking the halls of the giant convention center as well as satellite meetings in nearby hotels, the trio of GIST Support International members […]

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  • Brad Clark to Ride in Pan Mass 2008

    Brad Clark, a firm believer in the power of exercise to help cope with GIST, has committed to ride in the 2008 Pan Mass Challenge to raise money for GIST research at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. Says Brad, "I’m being treated at Dana-Farber now in the XL-820 clinical trial. When my oncologist, Dr. Morgan, asked if […]

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  • Plasma Imatinib Levels

    Blood plasma levels of imatinib (Gleevec) may predict clinical response At the January 2008 ASCO GI Cancers Symposium Dr. Demetri presented regarding how the measured level of imatinib (Gleevec) in patients’ blood plasma correlated with their treatment outcome. The paper was “Correlation of imatinib plasma levels with clinical benefit in patients (Pts) with unresectable/metastatic gastrointestinal […]

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  • Bike 4 Mike Benefits MSKCC

    In 2007 the scouts and families of Troop Eight, plus other friends, cycled up to fifty miles on the Jersey shore with Mike Prozan and raised over $12,000 for a GIST research fund at MSKCC in Mike’s honor. This year — May 3, 2008 — the Scout Troop and Mike are repeating the event! Funds […]

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  • Attention for GI Cancers

    Lessons in Getting More Attention for GI Cancers by Bob Spiegel "America hasn’t done anything well since World War II." Not the kind of statement you’ld exactly expect from the chief of oncology/hematology at Georgetown University Medical Center in Washington. And what does it have to do with gastrointestinal cancer? A casual passerby might be […]

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  • Florida GIST Patients Converge On Orlando

    Imagine a group of survivors from a quick-sinking cruise ship swimming through shark-infested water for two miles before, one by one, they reach a small and deserted island. Much like the cast of the TV series “Lost”, these intrepid swimmers congratulate each other for ‘making it’ to land, then begin to figure out how they […]

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  • Marina attends patient summit for GSI

    Marina Symcox, PhD represented GIST Support International at the Novartis Patient Summit held June 29 – July 1, 2007 near Frankfurt, Germany. The theme of this year’s meeting was "New Horizons in Treating Cancer." About 35 delegates representing GIST patient organizations from around the world (plus additional delegates representing CML patient groups) attended the meeting. […]

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  • Demetri, Schaye Ride Pan Mass

    Dr. George Demetri, leading clinical GIST researcher, participated as a rider in Dana Farber’s classic fundraiser, "The Pan Mass Challenge" (August 4-5, 2007). Pan Mass is a two-day 190+ mile cycling event in the hills of Massachusetts. Paul Schaye, an "ironman" who is a GIST patient treated by Dr. Demetri, challenged Demetri to make the […]

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