• 2014 GIST Summit

    The 2014 GIST Summit was held Saturday September 13, 2014 at MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, and it was the best ever! Watch videos now.

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  • UCLA GCAF forum March 24

    GIST Cancer Awareness Foundation and UCLA are hosting a free educational forum for GIST patients and caregivers on March 24 in Los Angeles.  See details below on how to register. For more about GCAF see their website www.gistawareness.org    

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  • 2011 GIST Summit: Terrific!

    by Tony Doré   Diverse group, evolving summit The GIST Summits have come a long way since the idea germinated at an informal gathering in a Houston apartment block, back in 2008.  The 2011 summit, held at MD Anderson Cancer Center, attracted a large and diverse group of people from 4 countries and 16 US states.  […]

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  • Italians Hold 4th GIST Meeting

    In Italy: 4th national meeting of  A.I.G. (Associazione Italiana GIST) On February 26, 2011 A.I.G. (Associazione Italiana GIST) held its 4th national meeting for GIST patients at Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori in Milan.  The focus points of the meeting were:• What are gastrointestinal stromal tumors? And• How to treat GIST? Anna Costato, Chairwoman of AIG, and Dr. […]

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  • Italian GIST Meeting Attracts a Crowd

    by Gabriella Tedone The 3rd National Italian Meeting of A.I.G. (Associazione Italiana GIST) took place at Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori (INT), in Milan, Italy, on Saturday, February 27, 2010. For the 99 patients and caregivers attending the meeting it was a great opportunity of hearing lectures by the main Italian GIST experts, learning more […]

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  • St. Louis/Midwest GIST Gathering

    MIDWEST GISTers TARGET ST. LOUIS Thanks to a lot of hard work by Katie Campbell and Ally Klein (both GIST survivors), 48 GIST patients and family / friends gathered in St. Louis April 26, 2008.  Katie remarked "We had people come from Indiana, Wisconsin, Kansas, Illinois and of course Missouri." This St. Louis meeting was assisted by the Barnes/Siteman […]

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  • New Italian GIST group

    A support group for Italian GIST patients has been formed, as announced October 18 at a meeting of oncologists in Italy. L’Associazione Italiana GIST (A.I.G.) has a website at this link: http://www.gistonline.it/ Anna Costato, director of the new group, is also a member of GIST Support International. She stated "I do hope that many Italian […]

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  • GISTers meet in NYC

    GISTers Meet in New York CityMichael Ting organized an informal lunch meeting of GISTers in the New York City area on Augist 11, 2007. Michael said "We had a nice showing for the NYC GISTers meeting this past Saturday. Thanks to everyone for taking the time to participate. In addition to getting to know one […]

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