Brad Clark to Ride in Pan Mass 2008

Brad Clark, a firm believer in the power of exercise to help cope with GIST, has committed to ride in the 2008 Pan Mass Challenge to raise money for GIST research at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. Says Brad, "I’m being treated at Dana-Farber now in the XL-820 clinical trial. When my oncologist, Dr. Morgan, asked if I could participate in Pan Mass as a patient rider, I readily agreed."

Brad is no stranger to biking for GIST fundraising; last year he rode in the Sarcoma Tour (see associated story) and his wife Karen and two daughters went along. Brad and Karen are pictured at the right.

Details will be posted here when available regarding how to donate to GIST researach with Brad as your designated rider. For a description of the Pan Mass Challenge, link to

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