Other Financial Assistance Sources

This page includes the following categories of assistance links.  Click a category to skip down the page to it.

Treatment Cost Assistance
Prescription Drug Cost Assistance
Travel Assistance
Lodging Assistance
General Financial Information & Assistance
US Government Social Services
State-specific Assistance within the USA
Hospice and End-of-Life Care 

Additional helpful links on a variety of topics are listed on our Links page.

For links specifically related to adolescents and young people with cancer, see Links for Young Patients.

Treatment Cost Assistance

Assistance Programs for the Uninsured at the National Cancer Institute’s website www.supportorgs.cancer.gov   shows  options for cancer patients without health insurance

HealthWell Foundation http://www.healthwellfoundation.org/  The Foundation provides financial assistance to eligible patients to cover certain out-of-pocket health care costs, including: Prescription drug coinsurance, copayments, and deductibles, Health insurance premiums, Other selected out-of-pocket health care costs .

The Patient Access Network Foundation http://www.panapply.org/  (866-316-7263) assists patients with out-of-pocket costs associated with their treatment.

Patient Advocate Foundation  http://www.patientadvocate.org/help.php  1-800-532-5274 is a national non-profit organization that seeks to safeguard patients through effective mediation assuring access to care, maintenance of employment, and preservation of their financial stability.

Patient Services, Inc. http://www.uneedpsi.org/CMS400Min/index.aspx  (800-366-7441) provides assistance with insurance premiums and co-payments for people with chronic diseases.
Zichron Shlome Rufuah Fund  http://www.zsrf.org/   Phone: 718-GET-WELL (438-9355), Fax: 718-853-0761 – A Jewish support group.

Prescription Drug Cost Assistance

Listed below are several sources of help paying for cancer prescription drugs such as imatinib (Gleevec) and sunitinib (Sutent).

Patient Advocate Foundation’s Co-Pay Relief (CPR) Program provides direct co-pay assistance for pharmaceutical products to insured Americans who qualify financially and medically.  They do assist patients diagnosed with GIST who are taking Gleevec or Sutent.  They help sarcoma insured patients with co-pays so they don’t have to choose between food or medications.

Patient Access Network Foundation
Patient Access Network FOundation accepts online applications for prescription assistance to US residents whose inccome is less than 500% of the federal poverty level.

Patient Services, Inc. 
They have a separate department for GIST patients.

Partnership For Prescription Assistance
Partnership for Prescription Assistance offers a single point of access to more than 475 public and private patient assistance programs, including more than 150 programs offered by pharmaceutical companies.

Glivec International Patient Assistance Program (GIPAP) through The MAX Foundation

The Max Foundation (TMF) is a US-based non-profit cancer organization with international focus.  TMF is dedicated to helping patients with blood-related cancers and other rare cancers worldwide by facilitating access to treatment and providing care and support for those who have limited access to resources.

The Glivec International Patient Assistance Program (GIPAP) is a program of Novartis Pharma AG. The Max Foundation is a partner in the administration of GIPAP. As part of our Patient Services, patients who are screened, approved, and referred by TMF for a donation of Glivec through GIPAP may also benefit from access to the following TMF services:
locally-based, culturally competent care and support specialist
patient support groups
informational, emotional, and practical support
help navigating their health care system

Novartis Patient Assistance Program (for Gleevec)

Novartis hotline for Medicare Part D recipients who need additional assistance

Assistance program for Sutent
Link here for Sutent financial assistance.

Nexavar.com  REACH assistance program

This assistance program helps patients who have been prescribed Nexavar to access medication by identifying specialty pharmacies and addressing insurance and reimbursement concerns. Contact a REACH Program Counselor by calling 1.866.NEXAVAR or 1.87.REACH.4.IT (1.877.322.4448) Monday through Friday from 9 AM to 8 PM EST.  Although the Nexavar website information is directed toward the FDA-approved conditions for whch it is prescribed, Bayer has told us they will help GIST patients who are prescribed Nexavar off-label.  Your physician can help you complete the application at this l

RxAssist is a compilation of drug-cost assistance programs run by all pharmaceutical companies.

NeedyMeds is a guide to drug-cost assistance programs.

The Assistance Fund is a next generation 501(c)3 nonprofit organization created to make advanced biotech therapies available to the underinsured.  http://theassistancefund.org/

LifeSource Direct is a prescription assistance discount card.

Travel Assistance

Angel Flight America

Network of 4,500 pilots who provide transportation in corporate jets, space-available basis, to cancer patients going to recognized cancer treatment centers listed with the American College of Surgeons and/or the National Institutes of Health. Patients must be able to walk up and down the steps to a private plane without assistance. Patients must not require oxygen, IV, or any other form of life support during the flight.

Corporate Angel Network, Inc.

CAN finds free air transportation (on corporate planes) for cancer patients who need medical treatment. Patients must be ambulatory.

National Patient Travel Center

This airline-sponsored program collects donated frequent flyer miles for patients to use to travel for medical care.

Air Compassion America

Air Lifeline  (888) 675-1405
They are volunteer private pilots using their own planes to transport patients to treatment facilities.

MAP:  Here is a link to a nice map that shows some of the different flight organizations by state.  http://aircharitynetwork.org/about-us/
To be automatically routed to your region, call toll-free (877) 621-7177

Lodging Assistance

National Association of Hospital Hospitality Houses

Provides accommodations for families and patients receiving medical treatment away from home. Rates typically range from $5-$15 per day (sometimes free).

Joe’s House
The mission of Joe’s House is to be a housing resource for cancer patients and their families who must travel away from home for medical treatment. Our site lists hundreds of cancer treatment centers and nearby lodging facilities.

Hope Lodge
American Cancer Society operates locations of Hope Lodge near many cancer treatment centers, offering free temporary lodging in a nurturing home-like environment.  You can find the locations and learn how to make a reservation through their webpages.

General Financial Information & Assistance

Angel Food http://www.angelfoodministries.com/  distribute food to those in need

Consumer Guide to Getting and Keeping Health Insurance  http://www.healthinsuranceinfo.net/

CancerCare has 2 sections with helpful information:
Tips for Finding Financial Assistance section http://www.cancercare.org/get_help/assistance/tips_assist.php and  Financial Help for People with Cancer http://www.cancercare.org/pdf/fact_sheets/fs_financial_en.pdf

The Support and Resources page on the National Cancer Institute website http://www.cancer.gov/cancerinfo/support/   provides links to information about cancer support organizations, finances, insurance, and hospice and home care.

The National Coalition for Cancer Survivorship has online resource guides to organizations offering financial assistance, see http://www.canceradvocacy.org/resources/financial.html

The Patient Access Network Foundation http://www.panapply.org/  (866-316-7263) assists patients with out-of-pocket costs associated with their treatment.

Patient Advocate Foundation http://www.patientadvocate.org/index.php , http://www.patientadvocate.org/  (800-532-5274) provides education, legal counseling, Co-pay Relief Program, and referrals for people with cancer who need assistance managing insurance, financial, debt crisis, and job discrimination issues.

 US Government Social Services

Eldercare Locator to find Your Area Agencies on Aging
Eldercare Locator, a public service of the U.S. Administration on Aging connecting you to services for older adults and their families.You can also reach Eldercare at 1-800-677-1116.  If you are 60 years of age or more, check out this site for both information and case management services. They can also help guide you through government programs and entitlements.

Financial Assistance and Other Resources for People  With Cancerhttp://supportorgs.cancer.gov/home.aspx?js=1

Social Security Disability  http://www.ssa.gov/disability/

Medicaid  http://www.cms.hhs.gov/home/medicaid.asp

Medicare  http://www.medicare.gov/

National Association of State Medicaid Directors, http://www.nasmd.org/Home/home_news.asp

State-specific Assistance within the USA

Patient Advocate Foundation Assistance Programs by State,   http://www.patientadvocate.org/report.php (800 532 5274)

Murphy’s Unofficial Medicaid Pagehttp://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/5974/  E-mailto:murph@who.net — This is an online guide only

Medicaid State by State Descriptions & Plans State Medicaid & CHIP profiles  This is an online guide only

Sarcoma Alliance (SA)   http://sarcomaalliance.org/
They have extensive guidance, education and support resources on their website, including excellent resources for the newly diagnosed. They also have an online discussion board and a financial assistance program.

PADRES Contra El Cáncer (Parents Against Cancer),   http://www.iamhope.org/index.php Phone: Gerry De La Rosa at (323) 850-7901 ext. 228 or E-mail: gdelarosa@iamhope.org.   Supplies grocery vouchers and other basic needs for families in Southern California.

The Hawaii Children’s Cancer Foundation,  http://www.hccf.org/  (808- 528-5161) or E-mail: hccf@lava.net

Massachusetts: Boston
Dana Farber Cancer Institute’s Sarcoma Support Group  http://www.dana-farber.org/for-patients-and-families/care-and-treatment/support-services-and-amenities/support-groups-and-seminars/
Registration is required. To register, call Sarah Paysnick, at 617-632-4235.

United Cancer Assistance Network, Tel: (1-573-776-1892 or (toll free) 1-877-776-1892,   e-mail: info@ucanpb.com. UCAN may be able to provide support in paying utility bills, grocery expenses or buying necessary household items for families in southeast Missouri.

Michigan and Florida
Mission of Hope Cancer Fund,   http://www.cancerfund.org/  (888-544-6423) Financial assistance, Michigan and Florida residents only.  Applications are also taken online.

New York
Kristen Ann Carr Fund http://www.sarcoma.com/
The Kristen Ann Carr Fund provides grants for cancer research and seeks to improve all aspects of cancer patient life with an emphasis on adolescents and young adults

Texas: Houston
Amschwand Sarcoma Cancer Foundation  http://www.sarcomacancer.org/
ASCF provides free short-term housing (one week or less) to sarcoma patients and/or their families who are traveling to Houston for treatment or medical appointments through its Shared Families program.

Texas administers  its Health and Human Services resources through regional agencies. The easiest and quickest way for anyone in Texas to obtain information on how to get help is to dial 2-1-1. When you select option one, you will talk to a trained resource specialist who has access to a comprehensive database listing of nearly all health and human services that exists in Texas. This includes but is not limited to: rent and utility assistance, food, emergency shelters, where to get employment help, medical and mental health assistance, help with transportation, and trained suicide intervention counseling. You can also get information on affordable childcare, information about caring for an aging relative, or help recovering from a disaster. Information and referral is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week throughout the year. Information can be provided in over 90 different languages. An alternate phone number is 1-877-541-7905. For more information, visit the Texas Health and Human Services Web site or Finding Help in Texas.

Hospice and End-of-Life Care

Medline Plus:  Hospice Care  http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/hospicecare.html

National Cancer Institute:  Hospice  http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/factsheet/Support/hospice

The National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization  http://www.nhpco.org/templates/1/homepage.cfm

Hospice Foundation of America  http://www.hospicefoundation.org/

Hospice Directory  http://www.hospicedirectory.org/

National Association for Home Care and Hospice  http://www.nahc.org/

List of Hospice Organizations http://www.hospicedirectory.org/