If you are making a donation in honor of someone or in memory of someone, please email the information below to gsi@gistsupport.org so that we can send an acknowledgment of your gift to the honoree or the family. The acknowledgment will not indicate the amount of your donation. but you will receive a receipt.

PRIVACY:  we will never share your name or address with anyone, and we will never contact you to solicit donations.

We need your name and address to mail you a receipt acknowledging your tax-deductible donation.   An email address would also be useful.

Please could you add to your email the name of the person to be honoured,  either a contact address for the person concerned or if a memorial, the name and address of a family member so that we can let them know of your donation and any message you enclose.

Checklist to email to gsi@gistsupport.org

Your name and address, and email address if available so we may thank you and send you a receipt acknowledging your tax deductible donation.

Name of person to be honoured.  Is the donation In Memorial?

Contact details of person to be honoured, or if In Memorial contact details of family member so we can let them know of the donation.

Do you wish to donate to the General Fund or the Second Opinion Fund?

Any message you would like to pass on.

Make your donation here.

Thank you!