Donating to GIST Support International
GIST Support International is a 501 (3)(c) nonprofit corporation composed entirely of volunteers (no paid employees). Our tax ID is EIN 20 0996949. We appreciate donations to continue and expand our services to the GIST community, and donations are tax-deductible. All donors will receive a letter of confirmation from our treasurer for tax purposes.
General Fund:
We do have to meet a few annual expenses related to website hosting and mailing educational materials in response to requests. We also need to pay registrations and associated expenses for members to attend cancer conferences or other meetings which the Board approves as important to our mission. Your donation to our general fund will support these activities.
Bob Spiegel & Brad Clark Memorial Second Opinion Fund for Travel and Treatment:Memorial Donations:
GSI has established a fund to provide one-time grants to help needy GIST patients with the costs of traveling to seek a second opinion from a sarcoma expert. The Bob Spiegel and Brad Clark Memorial Second Opinion Fund for Travel and Treatment may provide up to $500 per patient for second opinion costs.
The “Donate by Check” option below includes details for memorial donations, but the “Donate Online” option does not. If you are donating online and wish to designate your gift in honor of someone or in memory of someone, please click from the PayPal page to return to our website to provide details so that we may inform the family of your gift. Alternately, you may CLICK HERE first to give those details, then go to the Donate Online page.
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Also, when you shop at, take advantage of their special donation program by shopping at instead of the regular site. GSI receives donations based on every purchase you make. You select the charity you wish to support when you go to the website.
Donating to GIST Research Centers
GSI encourages individuals interested in supporting GIST research to direct their donations to scientists and physicians who are working for better treatments and an eventual cure for GIST. When making a donation directly to a cancer center, please be certain to specify that 100% of your donation is intended only for GIST research programs and not for other purposes (including overhead). Though not a complete listing, some cancer centers with well known programs researching GIST include: Dana Farber Cancer Institute, Fox Chase Cancer Center, MD Anderson Cancer Center, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, and Oregon Health & Science University. Donation addresses are listed below.
Dana Farber Cancer Institute
You can contribute directly to GIST research at Dana Farber Cancer Institute by sending a check to:
Dana Farber Cancer Institute
Attn: GIST Research / Dr. Demetri
10 Brookline Place W. Brookline, MA 02445
Please indicate somewhere on the check, in addition to DFCI, the words “GIST Research / Dr. Demetri,” to ensure that DFCI accounting department will credit your contributions directly to GIST research.
Fox Chase Cancer Center
Your gift of cash, check, money order or bank draft may be sent to:
Fox Chase Cancer Center Institutional Advancement
333 Cottman Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19111-2497
Make the check out: FCCC/ Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor Research
M.D. Anderson Cancer Center
To assure that 100% of your contribution goes directly to GIST research, donations should be made in the following manner:
Make the check out to:
The University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center
Notation on check: for GIST Research
Mail to:
Department of Sarcoma Medical Oncology
The University of Texas, M.D. Anderson Cancer Center
1515 Holcombe Blvd., FC11.3032
Unit 450 Houston,TX 77030
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
Make the check out to Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center but in the memo line of the check put “GIST research fund.”
Mail the check to:
William Tap, M.D.
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
Box 223
1275 York Avenue
New York, NY 10021
Oregon Health & Science University
For OHSU, please specify that your donation is for the GIST research program of the Heinrich-Corless Laboratories. Mail to:
OHSU Cancer Institute
3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Road, CR 145
Portland, OR 97239-3098 (503) 494-7071
Dr. Anette Duensing’s lab, University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute
Dr. Anette Duensing has a small but productive GIST research lab at the University of Pittsburgh, where she is working on important GIST research. Dr. Duensing has generated highly promising preliminary data on the precise mechanism of imatinib-induced tumor cell apoptosis (death). These results have the potential to lead to the development of novel treatment strategies that eventually will help to overcome drug resistance.
To donate to her lab, make a check payable to the “University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute” and write “donation to Anette Duensing’s lab&rrdquo; in the memo area on the lower left of your check. 100% of the money will be going to Dr. Duensing’s lab. There will be no overhead for the University of Pittsburgh. In addition to the check, it would be good to have an accompanying letter saying that the money is a donation for GIST research in Dr. Anette Duensing’s lab.
Anette Duensing, MD
Research Assistant Professor
University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute
Hillman Cancer Center
Research Pavilion, Suite 1.8
5117 Centre Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15213
Dr. Sebastsian Bauer’s lab, West German Cancer Center, University of Essen
Dr. Bauer has recently completed a post-doctoral fellowship at the pathology lab of Jonathan Fletcher, M.D. at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston. He has returned to Gemany and started his own lab for translational sarcoma research. In 2005 Dr. Bauer won the Young Investigator award at the Connective Tissue Oncology Society meeting for his work on heat shock protein 90 and its role in resistance of GIST to imatinib..
To donate to Dr. Bauer’s research, write the following in the memo field of your check: GIST Research at West German Cancer Center. Mail the contribution to:
Förderverein Innere Klinik (Tumorforschung) [Friends of the Dept. of Cancer Research]
West German Cancer Center
University of Essen
Hufelandstr. 55
45122 Essen
Dr. Patrick Schöffski’s GIST Research Program, University Hospital Gasthuisberg, Leuven, Belgium
You can contribute directly to Prof. dr. P. Schöffski’s GIST Research Programme at the University Hospital Gasthuisberg, Catholic University Leuven, Belgium by sending a check to:
Prof. dr. P. Schöffski
UZ Gasthuisberg
Department of General Medical Oncology
Herestraat 49
3000 Leuven
Please make
the check payable to prof. dr. P. Schöffski, GIST Research Programme.
Additional Research Fund Drives
GIST Cancer Awareness Foundation
The Liddy Shriver Sarcoma Initiative
Financial Disclosure
GSI has made complete disclosure publicly available regarding the pharmaceutical company grants it has received, and how those funds were allocated. Link here to see this information. GIST Support International was founded on the principle of openness. The Operating Committee of GSI takes seriously its mission of providing the GIST community with complete and unbiased information so that patients and their families can make informed decisions.
With this in mind, the Operating Committee of GSI requires financial transparency of all organizations raising funds who wish to promote events on our e-mail listserv or to be shown on this page of GIST Support International’s website. Financial disclosure complying with GSI’s disclosure policy must be made by fundraising campaigns prior to any discussions of their activities through GSI’s listserv. Fundraisers may contact us at to ask permission to announce on our listserv. Details of our policy are available here. In a nutshell, with the exception of grassroots campaigns in which donation checks are made out directly to the end-recipient research institution, all other fundraisers must provide totally transparent financial disclosure.
One to-the-point article at the Guidestar site discusses how transparency connotes more than simply adhering to IRS rules… read more at this link.
The following are some sources on the Internet to help in selecting charities to which you might want to donate.