Living With GIST: 10 Years of Molecularly Targeted Therapy

On April 9 GIST patients and familiy members flocked to Dana-Farber for a day-long event organized by George Demetri, MD and Suzanne George, MD to celebrate the 10-year anniversary of the first drug for treatment of GIST, imatinib (Gleevec). 

You can see the agenda HERE  and LINK HERE to WATCH VIDEOS

Below are some photos from this memorable event!

A panel of GIST patients from the original B2222 trial told their stories as 10-year-plus survivors.


Les Anderhub tells his story… 


Dr. Demetri introduces the expert panelists:  Burton Eisenberg, MD; Annick van den Abbeele, MD, Meg von Mehren, MD; Charles Blanke, MD; and Christopher Corless, MD.


Dr. Ed Benz, head of Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, addresses the crowd. 


 Dr. Demetri and Dorothy McBride.

Dr. Eisenberg converses with Brian McBride.

A group of patients met for dinner the night before the event.


Marina met up with Barbara.


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